Thursday 12 April 2018

Final Reflection

It was an honour for Big Hero 4 to be selected to represent the class for the CPD showcase. Being someone who is terribly afraid of public speaking, I actually felt terrified upon the reveal of voting results in class. Thankfully, my classmates were really encouraging towards my group and we felt that we had to do well to represent the class.

Before the presentation, I felt the jitters and was so worried that I would forget my lines during the presentation. With the entire cohort, professors and guest of honour around, it was definitely the biggest crowd I have ever spoken in front of.

Even though my group did not manage to be one of the top three winners, I personally felt that we could give ourselves a pat on our backs as we have tried our best and definitely come out of our comfort zones. I realised that I was not as nervous as I expected myself to be, and one of the ways I tried to keep myself calm was to make individual eye contacts with the audiences instead of looking at them as a huge group. I have to say that the weekly CPD classes have definitely trained me to be more confident to speak in front of people.

In summary, I am truly thankful for this great experience and to be able to represent the class. The support of Brad and our classmates has warmed me and given me the strength to go on the stage and make the presentation. I have enjoyed CPDII more than CPDI.

Final Reflection

It was an honour for Big Hero 4 to be selected to represent the class for the CPD showcase. Being someone who is terribly afraid of public s...